Chapter Five

Chapter Five

Alliance with Benny Hinn


One evening during this period of time, as Shelly and I were pulling into our garage, we noticed a man and woman walking past our house. Shelly said, “I think that is Benny Hinn.” She got out of the car, walked out the drive and stopped them. Sure enough, it was Benny and his wife, Suzanne. This was so amazing to us as Benny’s popularity had skyrocketed to a place where most people had a long waiting list to get an appointment with him, but here we were talking to him on such a casual meeting in our driveway. We quickly discovered Benny and Suzanne were our neighbors, living only four doors away.


They both stayed that evening until after 11 PM and a bonding began. Benny had just started his church in Orlando, Florida and we began attending immediately. As the bonds grew stronger with Benny and his family, I believed this was where God wanted us to be.


I was rapidly growing in the understanding of the Bible from Benny. As he grew up in Haifa, Israel, he was familiar with the Middle Eastern customs, which brought the Bible and its understanding real and alive to me. The supernatural presence was becoming more and more the natural in our lives.


Not long after, I was asked to serve as Single’s Pastor for his rapidly growing church, which soon grew to about 7000 people.


Here is where the great transformation began manifesting itself in my life. I witnessed first-hand the supernatural spiritual gifts taking place right in front of my eyes—manifesting miracles, healings, messages in tongues with the interpretations, and as always, people falling as they could not stand under this powerful anointing.


Benny and I had many conversations about this anointing, but he still could not explain it so I was able to understand it. Looking back, how could you explain the supernatural? If you could explain it, it probably was not supernatural.


I, with all the sincerity within me, asked God to pour out this anointing on me as well, so I could be another vessel to be used of Him for His glory.


It was not long after this the gifts began to work in my life as well. People were being healed when I prayed for them. Many were healed instantly. However, people still did not fall under the power.


One night as a miracle service was about to begin, all the people with needs were lined up around the auditorium waiting to be prayed for. Benny called me aside and whispered he had a plane to catch and I had to take over the service. I had no time to think or question this unrealistic task, as Benny was instantly gone behind the curtain.


I found myself staring at a couple thousand people lined up around the auditorium to be prayed for. I felt numb as I walked up to the first man in line. I can still see this tall, thin, baldheaded man in my mind’s eye, facing me waiting for me to pray. I closed my eyes as I raised my hand toward this man and began to pray. An instant later, Clement Humbard tapped me on the shoulder and I opened my eyes. I was startled to see this man laying on the floor, out cold. I raised my hand in front of the next person and, without saying a word, she fell over before my hand even fully raised and was out cold as well. This went on throughout the entire service and many have testimonies of how God touched and healed them.


That particular evening, Shelly was not with me to see this great outpouring God had done. I could not wait to tell her the events of the evening. Since there were still no cell phones as we have today, I had to wait until I got home to tell her. I remember running in the door yelling, “I got it! I got it!”


She said, “You got what?” I excitedly elaborated on every detail. I could not wait for the next service to pray for people, knowing God would be in the midst of His people.


I would like to interject here the answer to a question I have been asked numerous times. Are those healings real? Is it real when those people fall over under the power of God? The answer is yes! It is absolutely real!


As you continue reading, you will learn of more supernatural acts of God that will shed more light on this subject.


This was the beginning of the most incredible journey I have ever been on in my life.

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