Chapter Six

Chapter Six

Video Schools of Ministry


Eventually, the time came when we believed the Lord was moving us away from Benny for another adventure in our walk with Him.


I was offered the challenge of setting up Video Schools of Ministry for Gerald Derstine at the Christian Retreat where Shelly and I attended the on-campus ministry school several years before.


It was in the early days of video and they were taping the ministry school classes. We did not have the Internet to transfer these classes to other parts of the world, as we do now. So we started the Video School of Ministry for the less fortunate ones that could not come to Florida to attend the School of Ministry on campus.


I had such a burden for this, as I knew first hand how it affected the lives of Shelly and me. I was given the task of traveling anywhere in the world people had an interest in the Video School of Ministry, presenting it to their congregation, and enrolling the interested parties.


This also gave me the opportunity to minister to the prospective church while I was there, resulting in the Spirit of God moving amongst the people with supernatural manifestations.


This was a huge success and we grew from hearing testimonies and witnessing the changed lives in America, as well as other countries.


Not long after these video schools were up and running successfully, I was asked to set up Video Schools of Ministry for Morris Cerullo of World Evangelism in San Diego, California.


We relocated to San Diego on another exciting new and successful venture. We grew immensely under the ministry of Morris Cerullo, as well. I witnessed some of the most incredible supernatural outpourings of God to the sick on a regular basis.


One I will never forget was at one of his crusades at the Los Angeles Coliseum. I was near the back of this huge stadium when a middle-aged lady, deformed and hunched over on crutches with a large hump on her back, started screaming uncontrollably. In an instant, I was by her side witnessing the power of God recreating the entire structure of her body.


She began straightening to a standing straight up position. I will never forget the sounds of bones popping, which I could hear even with the sounds of the now screaming crowd. Every time I heard a pop she stood straighter, until she was standing straight up. She dropped the crutches to the floor, as they were no longer even tall enough for her to lean on. Still screaming, she began to walk and then broke into a run all the way down the stairs, through the crowd to the platform where Morris Cerullo was orchestrating this event.


It is because of events like this that Satan cannot deceive me into believing God no longer supernaturally heals. From the time I had a true born-again experience with God, events like these caused me to know that all things are possible to him that believes.


It was through Morris Cerullo that many doors opened in the United States and other countries. Most of all, growing into a direct relationship and fellowship with the living Christ was increasing daily.


After a few years on the evangelistic field, I was offered the position of pastoring a church back in Florida. We accepted the position, as great peace seemed to be present as we approached God for wisdom.


The pastoral position was a very special time and tremendously rewarding as well. Having to preach, most of the time three messages weekly, demanded much alone time with God for fresh manna constantly.


Several years of pastoring allowed me more personal time with God, growing in His Word. I continually gained more and more confidence in hearing His voice for the up to the minute wisdom needed for our church families’ growth. I continued holding meetings at other churches and traveled to many missions meetings as well.


In this period of time, Shelly and I felt very much at home, even though there were still many unanswered questions dating back to my youth.


Just when we think we are becoming settled, God may have ongoing plans for our next adventure. Never think He is not able to get through to us. He knows just how to make us a little uncomfortable, causing us to seek Him until we find His perfect will. His guidance usually comes in the most unexpected way showing it can only be Him and we have to give Him the glory.

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