


The Word Of My Testimony is the inspiring and enlightening story of one man’s journey in the Truth of God’s Word. It is the story of an honest heart seeking to know his Creator and serve Him with all he has been given. It is the telling of the Lord’s dramatic answer to the author, Richard Milligan. The Word Of My Testimony testifies that God’s Word must be supreme in our lives.

May you, also be delivered from the bonds of sin and unbelief so prevalent in our day. God bless you as you look to Jesus Christ alone as the Author and Finisher of your faith.


Excerpt From “The Mind of Christ”:

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Revelation 12:7-9 Satan was cast out of heaven into the earth where the battles are now fought in the minds of humans. Whether we like it or not, we are all involved in this war. The place of the battle is the human mind, because that is where we choose between right or wrong. Right choices bring love, faith, health, and confidence-resulting in a happy, fulfilled life. Wrong choices wreak havoc with fear, stress, sickness, and confusion-leading to an unfulfilled life. In this spiritual war, we as humans are no match for Satan’s spiritual attacks. We must fight this spiritual war with spiritual weapons. Let us go to God’s Word to access the Mind of Christ, in order to recognize the enemy and put on the impenetrable full Armor of God. We must defeat Satan in every situation, as we are Christian soldiers in His victorious army. The Mind of Christ brings the peace that passes all understanding.

Excerpt From “The Bible and Science In Harmony”

I find it a special privilege to share what God’s Word tells us about the pre-Adamite world, science and evolution. I believe God wants us filled with the knowledge of His Word and set free from man made doctrines and theories that rob us from our faith and belief in Him and the creation, as it did myself for many years. You will also find astounding Biblical truths to some of the most controversial subjects known to man, such as; The creation of planet earth. The Zodiac. Why did God create sin…or did He? Who is Satan? Did God create the devil? Why pure virgin blood was necessary for our redemption Who were the giants in the land…where did they come from? Where did Cain get his wife? Astounding proof of the authenticity of God’s Word. The Bible answers these questions fully. There is a great hunger for truth to know more about these mysteries of the pre-adamic world, to bring satisfaction to our minds of the authenticity of every jot and tiddle of the Bible to be true. If you are searching for Biblical truth, as I was, I invite you to come with me on this Scriptural journey that I have been on for over 30 years finding the Way, the Truth and discovering the purpose of real-life and real happiness.


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