The Zodiac

The Zodiac

THE ZODIAC – God’s First Bible 


God wrote His first Bible in the heavens when He created the universe. He placed each star in its exact spot where it will stay as long as His Word holds it there. It was the greatest love letter ever written to His creation. We can look up and marvel not only of His masterpiece, but also a constant reminder of His love for us and the way back to Him.

The Zodiac begins with the Virgin and ends with the Lion. The 48 constellations that make up the true zodiac all fit perfectly together to tell the story of Jesus, our redeemer. The Zodiac includes His birth and prophecies of His life, His dealings with His elect people, and His triumphing over Satan. It includes everything, all the way to redeeming His bride back to spend eternity with Him. How awesome is God that He alone could trigger explosions and calculate where every particle would end up? Stars continually change as they burn out and new ones come into existence, but the stars of the Zodiac stay at their post of duty telling of God’s love and redemption.

Keep in mind, this was done at the time He was creating the universe. There was hardly even an earth in existence yet, let alone fallen man.

God knew in His foreknowledge that man would fall and need a savior to bring him back to Him before the world was ever created. He showed in the Zodiac He would do it as The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

‘…the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.’

Revelation 13:8


Excerpts taken from the book ‘THE BIBLE AND SCIENCE IN HARMONY.’

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