What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?



When the mothers of the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel were giving birth, they spoke an utterance that foretold her child’s placement in the promised land. This was also each child’s earthly name.

The name also described the character of each person. This is still relevant to this modern day in which we live. Many times we are given good wholesome names at birth and then deceived into using a not so good nickname. It seems so innocent and cute, but can bring forth an entirely different character from a very young age.

I personally experienced a long sought nickname change from my youth that only took place after my true born again experience. It happened without any effort on my part as God changed it along with my character. I have not heard the nickname in 30 years.

We find in Genesis 32 the definition of ‘Jacob’ means ‘supplanter’, ‘slicker’ or ‘schemer’ but after he wrestled with God all night he became ‘Israel’ meaning ‘Prince’ and ‘triumphant with God.’

The names of places often describe the spiritual influence over that particular area as well. The Book of Ruth tells us Naomi and her family left Bethlehem for a ten year sojourn, which means ‘short stay’ to Moab. The definition of ‘Moab’ is ‘from the Father’. She had only heartache and death until returning to the town of ‘Bethlehem‘ which means ‘House of God’s Bread’, in the country of ‘Judah’ which means ‘praise’.

Anyone going ‘from the Father’ can only result in heartache and death as all life comes from Him.

It should not be a surprise that the meaning of the name ‘Jesus’ is ‘Savior’.


‘A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches’

Proverbs 22:1


Excerpts taken from the book of ‘RUTH’.


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