
Why I Still Believe
Over forty years ago, my wife and I decided to dedicate the remainder of our lives to serving
the Lord Jesus and His people in whatever capacity He chose. This pledge to God has taken us
around the world several times, being privileged to see many supernatural signs confirming His
Word. We have had the honor of meeting many of God’s people and ministers in dozens of
countries, while experiencing many different facets of ministry.
Interestingly, after several years, my wife and I were still not fulfilled. It always seemed there
was a never ending search for a deeper walk with God. What was missing?
When we have a spiritual stirring deep within ourselves, there is usually a Biblical answer to
fulfill that stirring.
That stirring was fulfilled over three decades ago when the Lord put some materials in my
hand from the ministry of Brother William Marrion Branham. These grabbed my spirit more than
anything I had ever experienced in all the previous years of my ministry, including all the many
miracles and supernatural healings.
Now, after over 30 years, we have never had to search again. The stirring has been
completely satisfied. The only yearning we have now is for more of the Living Christ continually
living His Life through us.
In this booklet, I would like to address the many attacks and attempts to derail our walk of
faith, and how we navigated through to a closer intimacy with our Lord Jesus on a daily basis,
bringing great peace and confidence to our lives.
A brief look on the internet of testimonies regarding the Prophet of our day has left many
confused and, even worse, believing the glorious outpouring of God in this generation to be the
I would like to examine some of these issues to help people understand why I and many
others still believe. Although I am perhaps not the most capable of defending our Lord, I believe
He uses people like myself who have gone through certain experiences to help others who are
embracing some of the same challenges, and to assist in guidance and comfort along the way.
We must first understand that God is a Spirit and most everything He does is by faith in His
Spoken Word. By keeping this in mind, we soon realize that our own mental understanding of
His Word is insufficient, since reading the Bible without the Spirit of God will often produce a
wrong interpretation of the Scriptures. This I have personally witnessed regarding many key
doctrines of the Bible. Reading His Word with supernatural understanding and revelation from
His Spirit turns the Bible into a completely new Life-Giving Book, consuming our very lives. The
Bible is a Miracle Book. Its pages contain the past, present, and future of mankind, while also
being an intimate and very personal love letter from the Bridegroom to His Bride.
John 1:1-4 tells us, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and
without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of
So, our universe and everything in it has come about by the great miracle of faith in God’s
Spoken Word. It is the same power that created you and I, turned the waters in Egypt to blood,
calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee, and turned water into wine. Additionally, He also placed
precise nuggets of future events in His Word for encouragement and protection along our
earthly journey.
A couple examples of these future events are found when our Lord Jesus foretold that His
flock would be scattered without a shepherd and ravenous wolves would devour them. The
Jews have been without their Shepherd for two thousand years. One wolf that had come to
destroy the sheep was without a doubt Adolf Hitler, who killed and tortured millions of the
Jewish people. The astounding fact is the name Adolf means ‘wolf’. Some of his inner circle
addressed him as ‘the wolf’. He named his military headquarters ‘Wolfsschanze’ which means
‘Wolf’s Lair’. Another military base he called ‘Wolfsschlucht’ meaning ‘Wolf’s Gorge’. This is just
one example of modern events declaring the accuracy of Bible prophecy.
In the Bible, the prophet Daniel interprets King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a large image,
representing the future Gentile Kingdoms. Remember, the feet of this image consisted of part
iron and part clay.
We needed God’s Prophet in our day, a seer of the Word, to reveal God’s prophetic message
of end time events and His plan for us. Only through the eyes of a Prophet could this be
revealed. The ‘Iron and Clay’ in Daniel’s interpretation, which occurred at around 600 BC, was
witnessed in our day when Khrushchev and Eisenhower met at the United Nations on October
12, 1960. Khrushchev took his shoe from his foot and banged it on the podium, showing that
iron and clay could not mix. Eisenhower in Russian is ‘Iron’ and Khrushchev in Russian is ‘Clay’
– exactly what Daniel saw in the interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The
manifestation of the dream took place over 2500 years after Daniel uttered God’s interpretation.
Now, in our day, we have the true revelation of Daniel’s interpretation through God’s Prophet,
William Branham; a raging Cold War between Russia and the United States. God always sends
the understanding of His Word through a Prophet.
These and many many more astounding supernatural occurrences are continually revealed to
us while the rest of the world is still waiting for them to be manifested, according to their carnal
interpretation of the Word. They reject God’s Prophet who gives God’s revelation of His Word.
The Word always goes to the Prophet and then to the people.
Amos 3:3 tells us, “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his
servants the prophets.”
Maybe it has become common to some, but mysteries of the Scriptures being revealed and
fulfilled is nothing short of miraculous. Never forget, we live in a miraculous universe. We are
surrounded by the miraculous. Everything we see, taste, feel, touch, and hear has a miraculous
beginning. We ourselves are the manifestation of a miracle.
When our Lord spoke the stars into existence, He actually wrote the first Bible. Amazingly, it
contained all the stars of the Zodiac. Beginning with Virgo, representing the Virgin Birth, and
ending with Leo, the Lion coming in judgement, He displays the entire plan of redemption for
mankind. A beautiful massive universe demonstrating the order and power of the Spoken Word
of God.
The Bible tells us heaven and earth shall pass away but His Word shall never pass away.
Should we not be more associated and acquainted with the supernatural realm that surrounds
and includes every fiber of our lives?
God raises Prophets and identifies them to His people to reveal the many mysteries of His
Word. We know where to find the promise for a Prophet to come in our day. The very last words
of the Old Testament, the final chapter of the Book of Malachi declares,“Behold, I will send you
Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall
turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I
come and smite the earth with a curse.”
This Scripture has been fulfilled by the ministry of William Marrion Branham. He has certainly
identified and fulfilled the Prophecy of the spirit of Elijah coming to turn the hearts of the children
back to our original fathers of the faith, of whom had God’s Word in its purity. This day has
come. The Prophet William Branham preached directly against the modern day Pharisees and
Sadducees – our modern day denominational systems. He stood strong against the evils of the
world. Signs and wonders too numerous to count continued throughout his life as he preached
the unfailing and complete Word of God, exactly as Paul preached, turning our hearts back to
our fathers of the original faith. There has never been a Prophetic ministry so accurate and
powerful with such an impact on the world since the days of our Lord Jesus and His apostles.
Brother Branham’s ministry was the catalyst for the great healing revivals around the world,
as he was often called the ‘father’ of the healing campaigns that fueled the Pentecostal Church.
Many renowned ministers of the world have testified of Brother Branham’s unusual anointed
ministry and calling.
Oral Roberts referred to him as God’s Prophet and spoke of how much he loved him. At Oral
Roberts University, Brother Branham’s taped sermons are tremendously popular among
students and staff.
T.L. Osborne testified that, “God had visited His people, for a great Prophet has risen up
among us.”
I was having dinner with Morris Cerullo in El Salvador as he testified of witnessing Brother
Branham praying for the sick. He told me how Brother Branham would constantly tell strangers
their names, addresses, illnesses, and even the secrets of their hearts. This occurred literally
thousands of times without ever making a mistake.
These are just a handful of the countless testimonies that continually pour in till this very day
testifying that God had certainly sent Elijah.
The photo of the supernatural Light over Brother Branham’s head while in Texas was tested
by George Lacey, a contractor of the FBI. The test results proved the photo to be authentic. It is
still displayed at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.
With all of this proof, the organized church systems of the world today continually reject him
and his ministry. This is only another reason I Still Believe, as Satan would never spend this
kind of effort attacking and discrediting God’s Prophet, even years after his death, unless he
feared it. Satan has witnessed all of this himself and knows this testimony is true.
Most of the attempts to discredit Brother Branham’s character and ministry are questions that
have risen concerning his recollections of events surrounding his life and ministry. A few of the
events most attacked are about the bridge that spans from Indiana to Kentucky, a young boy
raised from the dead in Finland, and a supernatural cloud photographed over Arizona.
These events happened more than 50 years ago and the inconsistencies are from a natural
(not spiritual) source. This is quite common when looking into history on any subject. It is
admittedly difficult to find historical records that 16 men fell from the Kentucky bridge as Brother
Branham stated. Yet not one person from that day discredited his claim. Just common sense
tells us that if the story wasn’t true, all those from Jeffersonville in that day would know Brother
Branham wasn’t honest. Additionally, many great men of faith collaborate his honesty, even
though they may have disagreed with him doctrinally.
Reverend Jack Moore was with Brother Branham in Finland when the young boy was raised
from the dead. Brother Branham foretold people from the pulpits for about two years prior in
detail of this event. He even had them write it in the flyleaf of their Bibles. The young boy’s
resurrection was witnessed by multitudes. If this was a farce, why would Jack Moore continue
his fellowship with Brother Branham and allow him to preach in his pulpit?
Other spiritual giants of that day such as T.L. Osborne, Oral Roberts, Gerald Derstine, F.F.
Bosworth, Jack Coe, Raymond Richie, and numerous others testified of not only the power of
his ministry, but of his integrity, his humility, and his honesty. These men’s voices never uttered
a word of accusation against the character of God’s Prophet.
The silence of these great men of that day testify much louder than a few men of this day,
who have forsaken God’s outpouring of His Spirit for rapturing faith to this generation. It makes
no sense to believe the testimony of people who were not there over credible people who were
there, of whom have witnessed Prophetic utterances and Words of Knowledge thousands of
times without error. Yet, a believer does not need evidence. But, for an unbeliever, there will
most likely never be enough evidence.
Our faith should far surpass our understanding by knowing the experiences and the
transformation in our hearts. Not only have our lives changed in character but we also have the
power over sin and sickness.
Doctrinally, can anyone ever falsify any of Brother Branham’s teachings using the Bible? Not
one has ever been able to, including these accusers on social media today, of which many are
sadly backslid, living worldly lives.
God’s message preached by Brother Branham is the restoration of the original teachings of
our fathers just as the Word promised in Malachi 4. Elijah truly has come and turned our hearts
back to our fathers of the faith. Why are so many who have followed this message now
speaking against it? The Bible tells us in Philippians 3:18 that men have been coming with the
purpose of destroying the influence of anyone sent by God in the Name of Christ, since the days
of Jesus and the apostles.
“For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are
the enemies of the cross of Christ.”
Many of these attacks manifested because people have never acquired a true born again,
filled with the genuine Holy Ghost experience. Ezekiel Chapter 36:26 tells us God first gives us
a new spirit that would be compatible with His Spirit. He then puts His Spirit in the center of our
new spirit of which is called the ‘wheel within the wheel’ (Ezekiel 1:16). Sadly, Satan may
deceive us into believing the new spirit is the Holy Spirit, leaving many to go no further. We can
quit smoking, drinking, preach and pray for the sick with positive results, and accomplish many
great things with just a new spirit.
The problem is the absence of the Holy Spirit feeding us God’s Pure Word, planting seeds
that grow into a living intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior. It is entirely possible to
‘believe’ with only the ‘new’ spirit and not have the Holy Ghost. His intimate, personal presence
is what was lacking, and kept me searching, in all my Pentecostal ministry. I was deceived into
believing I had the Holy Spirit when I only had the new spirit. Paul asks certain disciples at
Ephesus in Acts 19:2, “Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto
him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.” Paul continued to
instruct them to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Paul laid his hands on them
and the Holy Ghost came upon them. They now had communication and fellowship with the
supernatural God who now caused them to speak with tongues and prophecy.
God’s desire has always been to have a family with close intimate fellowship as it was in the
beginning with Adam and Eve before the fall. God wants us to get to know Him better. Let’s
examine this further.
As Genesis begins, the Almighty who speaks everything into existence is first simply called
His relationship with His creation begins to manifest in the second chapter of Genesis when
He is addressed in the Scriptures as ‘Lord God’. In Genesis 2:7 God gives Adam a body of flesh
out of which he addresses God as ‘Lord God’. The title ‘Lord God’ signifies ‘relationship’; no
different as when you address someone as ‘Brother’ or ‘Sister’ before their name. It signifies
family or relationship. However we interpret this, a personal relationship had begun between
God and His child. God is addressed as the ‘Lord God’ until Genesis 3 when the serpent
addresses God only as ‘God’ again. Not surprisingly, the serpent had no personal relationship
with God as he forsook this when he submitted himself to be used by Satan to seduce Eve.
When Eve falls and is separated from the fellowship with God, she too addresses Him only as
‘God’ again in Genesis 3:3.
The only way to have a true personal relationship with the Lord Jesus is to be born again. It is
only through the new birth and indwelling of the Holy Ghost that we can know Him as our ‘Lord’.
It was only after I was correctly water baptized and genuinely filled with the Holy Spirit that I
automatically began calling Him ‘Lord Jesus’. I couldn’t explain why, but I only knew I got a knot
in my stomach every time I heard a preacher or anyone refer to Him as just ‘Jesus’.
We need to ask ourselves if He is the ‘Lord Jesus’ or just ‘Jesus’ to us personally.
I Corinthians 12:3 tells us “that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.”
When we have the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, we have His Life dwelling in us, enjoying daily
fellowship with Him. This is an intimate fellowship even greater than it was in the beginning.
The Bible refers to an intellectual type of life that knows about God, and has respect for God,
but does not know Him personally. They pay their tithes, live a moral life, and even preach the
Gospel. They try to copy the things of God and attempt to manifest His presence. This can be
very deceiving. By bringing their own interpretation of the Bible, seeds of discrepancies are
planted. These may grow into legalism and a book of rules that alienates us from the Living
Romans 8:9 tells us, “But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of
God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.”
You can be given the finest art supplies, an original Picasso painting to follow, and asked to
paint an exact copy. If you are anything like me, you could not even come close. In fact, ours
would most likely be a disaster compared to the original.
Many Christians, and leaders as well, attempt to copy God’s Life and His righteousness. They
know what is right, good, and holy. They know what their life should look like to others, yet they
try to live it without God’s Spirit living God’s Holy Life through them.
Even with good intentions, the odds of creating another masterpiece is unattainable. We
cannot reproduce the work of the master unless we were given the master’s skills, mind, spirit,
and heart. Then it would not be a struggle, nor a copy. It would be as though the master would
be painting through you.
The key is we must let God, the Master, paint our masterpiece to produce His desired work.
Only God can do the works of God, and the only holy life is His Holy Life.
‘Yaddah’ is the Greek word for ‘know’ or ‘knew’, meaning an intimate relationship. Examples
are found in John 17:3 and Matthew 7:23.
“And this is Life Eternal, that they might KNOW thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ.”
Having a miraculous living relationship with Him is Life Eternal. This is what makes the
impossible possible.
“And then will I profess unto them, I never KNEW you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
One Bible translation of this Scripture in Matthew is; ‘I never FATHERED you.’ It is quite clear
an intimate relationship with the Living Christ is required for Eternal Life, since this Life of Christ
is the only Eternal Life there is.
This Life that Christ brought to us is called ‘Zoe’, which is the Greek Word that translates into
‘Eternal Life’; the actual Life of the Eternal One Himself.
This is the Christian miracle. We have the ability to partake of His supernatural, miraculous
Life that He made available to inject in mortal beings. These blessings are a part of God
manifesting Himself in our human flesh.
Our Lord said in John 15:5, “I am the vine, ye are the branches.” The Vine’s Life is in the
branches. The life of the branches is part of the Life of the Vine. It is the will of God that all the
branches are full of His own Life. When we are full of ‘Zoe’, we are just as much one with God
as the bay is one with the ocean. They flow together.
It is by filling us with His own Life that God Himself becomes our very life, joy, peace,
righteousness, strength, health and so much more. With Zoe inside us, “All things are possible.”
He is painting another original masterpiece in each one of us. The painting gets more and
more detailed the closer we get to our promised land. We are now nearing the end of the road.
The border of this great promise has become real and visible.
When Moses came to the border of the promised land at the Valley of Eshcol, he sent spies
to cross the border and bring back a report on what it was like. The spies returned with very
large clusters of grapes, proving this land was truly a great land. It was a land of abundance
flowing with milk and honey. Keep in mind they were only at the border.
Sadly, once most of the spies saw giants in the promised land, fear kept them from seeing
the promise. They listened to one another and faith gave way to unbelief.
The grapes proved the land was real and the promises were true, but they lacked the faith in
the Lord that was necessary to take the land. This is because they did not truly know Him. The
more you know Him, the greater your faith. Perfect love casts out all the fear. Knowing about
Him causes you to believe He can do anything, but knowing Him personally causes you to
believe He will do it for you.
It is that very same way today. God gives us grapes of answered prayers, healings, guidance,
gifts of tongues, glimpses of future events, and promises of this great land of Eternal Life of
which we are at the border. But this is only the border. We can see the benefits of this great city
and yet we don’t move past the border because we stay focused on what people are saying.
This produces fear. This fear stops us dead in our tracks. This keeps us from our inheritance
just as it did the unbelieving spies in Moses’ day.
Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him.”
Everything God does is supernatural by faith. If we are going to be housing His Life, He will
open His supernatural abilities to us. Remember, everything we see, touch, taste, hear, smell,
and feel is made from the miraculous. Only His faith living its Life in us and through us can
connect us to the miraculous.
There is so much more beyond the border. We cannot let trivial and negative remarks take us
from this life giving faith. These things have nothing to add to our salvation. They can only
cause one to stumble by taking our eyes off the goal of our inheritance.
Stay focused on our Eternal God and His provided way, and we will surely meet in the air at
the rapture call.
Paul encourages and instructs us in 1 Corinthians 15, “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We
shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the
last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall
be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on
immortality, So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have
put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed
up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is
sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through
our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the
The greatest promise to mankind lies just before us – the miraculous change from mortality to
immortality!! This will be the last supernatural event for the bride this side of eternity, and it has
already begun!
The hope and the reality of it happening in our day is based on the all sufficient Word of God
through His Prophets. This Word leaves pages and sermons to become His very Life that Lives
in us. It cannot and will not fail. Fear not, every part of His Word must come to pass exactly as it
is written.
The perfection of His great Masterpiece of His Eternal Word, made up of all who still believe,
is almost complete.
So, WE who still believe the complete and revealed Word of God – WE who are filled with His
Holy Spirit – WE are the Word manifested in the flesh today. His Word is Eternal and we can no
more die than His Word!!
John 11:25,26 tells us, “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that
believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in
me shall never die. Believest thou this?” This question must be answered. With all of your
heart, with everything in you, “Believest thou this?” I still believe.