Chapter Four

Chapter Four

Footsteps of the Righteous


I am going into a lot of detail for a reason. Remember, I am in search of something and I believe each and every turn in my life, and yours, is orchestrated of God in bringing us back to our first love.


The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord:  Psalms 37:23



God has a divine purpose in His perfect love and guidance in our lives. He sends His Word to the precise places of His choice for His purpose.


So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

      Isaiah 55:11


I am still in awe at how amazing He is! The first thing He did for me was answer the question of creation versus evolution. Evolution is what took me away from Him back in high school. He will always be there at the place we departed from, waiting for our return. He will always have the truth, with the Bible answer waiting for us.


To put it simply, He showed me there was no specific amount of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. According to the original writings, In the beginning, God created… This was a creation from absolutely nothing, but His spoken word. There could have been billions of years since the original creation until Let there be light, as there was no time established yet. All the let there be, including the creation of man, were created from the substance already there from the original spoken word creation.


Having an undetermined amount of time between the two Scriptures accounts for the fossils and other proofs of a much older earth.


For an in-depth Bible and science study of the creation, please refer to the book The Bible and Science in Harmony.


While in ministry school, I witnessed many of Pentecostals greatest and most popular ministers. The one whom I was really drawn to was Benny Hinn; maybe because he was Middle Eastern and so was I.


He also had a very interesting anointing. When he laid hands on people, they would fall over. I had never seen this and certainly did not understand it. I may have been drawn to this anointing because it seemed to show visual, immediate evidence that a power went forth to that person to meet the need. Whereas others would pray and you never knew if anything took place, unless you knew the person or got a later report.


When I left ministry school, I did not forget that supernatural power; it was indelibly etched in my mind.


We returned back to our hometown in Pennsylvania to sort out what to do next and where to do it. We were sold out to our Lord and Savior and were ready for whatever He wanted.


After several months of prayer and waiting on God, we decided on Orlando, Florida. This decision was not made because of Benny Hinn being there, as we did not yet know he was there. We only knew he did services from time to time at the Calvary Assembly of God mega-church in Orlando.


I had an old friend and business acquaintance, whom I had not seen for many years, living there as well. My thoughts were to attend Calvary Assembly Church and see if the Lord had any kind of fulfillment there. I intended to look up my old friend to see if there was any type of opportunity to make a living, as we had given up everything to follow the Lord.


After arriving and getting settled in Orlando, we began attending Calvary Assembly, a church of about 7000 people pastored by Roy Hearthern, who I learned later is the father of Suzanne Hinn, Benny Hinn’s wife.


Here we met many Pentecostal brothers. Among them was Darrel Brewer, who had a ministry to businessmen similar to the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Association, as well as leadership seminars. Many doors opened to me through this ministry, including teaching Bible based leadership to pastors and Christian businessmen.

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